i will not stay here long


by Ida Daniel



A collaboration between Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and MA Choreography and Performance in the frames of Hessian Theatre Academy HTA

I will not stay here long was first performed at Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a. M. and later shown at Hessische Theatertage Kassel 2019, KONDENZ 2019, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Serbia.

I will not stay here long is an artistic research into the manifestations of a multiplying figure that takes an uncanny approach to womanhoods. It stretched over three years and included periods of various focuses until the format of a performance, accompanied by a pop-up exhibition took shape. 

I will not stay here long would not be possible without the artistic support by Todor Stoyanov, Zrinka Užbinec and Katarzyna Kania. 

Ida Daniel’s MA Thesis for Choreography and Performace at JLU-Gießen elaborates on the aspects of Encounters with the Multiplying Persona. A Choreographic Research into Solo, Representation and Dispositifs. It was mentored by Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst and Bernhard Siebert

Materials: a 3D Printed miniature bust, a mega-dimensional photo collage, 11 photos with poems, 4+16 photos with no titles, a solo performance