

With Rahel Barra, Nah Dran residency, ada Studios, Berlin

To the film: Natur/&$!#@1!/Romantik

Nature has been a relief and refuge to many, not only in times of Covid-19. Used and misused since Romanticism for the projection of societal phenomena and historical associations, the ‘German forest’ is once again a favored figure of right-wing movements. Male-fantasy-inspired pictures of a white cis-female body curling up in a German Oak evoke a cringy alliance of nature-bound aesthetics and essentialism.

Our dance film aims to disconnect from stories and images of nature, home, land, people – to propose in their place an ungraspable, conflictual relation of ambiguity. Using flickering images as a strategy of disconnection and disorientation, we take up the dangerous romance of projections of ‘nature’ and seek to twist and shake the myth-ridden images of the German forest to catch an impossible drop of a forest as a place.